Behavioral Analysis


Expert insights in the field of Behavioral Analysis studying the implications in finance, economics, and human conflicts

Behavioral Analysis

Respecting Other Nations' Values and Mores: Unstoppable BRICS Expansion. Unstoppable AI Development

This article delves into the importance of respecting cultural differences in the world, emphasizing the added value they bring to humanity

Alex Vieira
Behavioral Analysis

Revolutionizing A.I.: Intelligent Robots Disrupt Mass Consciousness Finding Unethical to Invest in Michael Burry Stock Portfolio

Introduction to Ethical AI. Michael Burry is a dangerous market manipulator whose ideas are weird, incoherent, and lack credibility.

Alex Vieira
Behavioral Analysis

Beyond Algorithms: How Behavior Analysis Solves the Art of Deception Featuring ChatGPT, Wall Street, Elon Musk, and the Manipulation of Mass Consciousness

In this article we compare the value of chatGPT for professional investors to Intuitive AI algorithm, which offers an efficient and pragmatic formula

Carlos Oliveira
Behavioral Analysis

Algorithm Creator Uses Behavioral Analysis to Sell Humana for $570 Buying Meta Platforms shares for $89 to Outperform

This article explains why I quit investing in Humana, selling shares for $570 to buy Meta Platforms for $89 on the same day.

Alex Vieira
Behavioral Analysis

Is China Using Spy Balloons? Geopolitical and Behavioral Analysis. Decision-Making Factors to Invest in China

We analyze the objective of a Chinese balloon flying in U.S. territory, answering questions, elaborating on the risk of investing in China

P. Goncalves
Behavioral Analysis

Balões de Reconhecimento com Objetivos Geopolíticos. Análise Geopolítica e Comportamental. Fatores de decisão para investir na China

Analisamos o objetivo de um balão chinês voando em território estadunidense, respondendo perguntas, discorrendo sobre o risco de investir na China

P. Goncalves